Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Each New Day is More of the Same (or How I Woke Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed, Again)

The earth spins at 1,000 mph & cruises 'round the sun at 67,000 mph, and our solar system revolves at 558,000 mph, so why is each new day just more of the same?

Well, that's not exactly true, because today, at least there is no rain. The sky is clear, and the sun shall be allowed to warm the earth. The succession of ridges and mountains across the horizon have taken on that familiar, summertime haziness that emphasizes distance like a faded watercolor panorama.

It is the sort of day that makes you think, "all is right with the world," whether all things are right with your world or not. And, chances are, very little is right with the world. But, thankfully, it is days like today that help us stare down mortality, forge ahead and struggle onward.

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