Monday, January 28, 2008

OMG, ThinkGeek Really Rocks!

I've been a long-time fan and customer of . . .
They reward purchases with geek points.
I accumulated 2,725 points and was waiting for the right time to redeem my points.
Imagine my surprise when I logged in today (to buy a Valentine's Day gift, no less) and found that ALL my points expired on 12.28.07?!

Now I see the fine print, but who knew? And to not even send me an email reminder that my points were expiring?! Unconscionable.

BUT . . .
Thanks to the wonderful understanding staff at Think Geek, especially Rosslynn H and Rob P, my points have been reinstated. And Rob assured me they are working on an automated process to warn folks when their points are about to expire.

Hey, if it was just a few points, no big deal. But 2,750 can get you some good stuff. Time to do my Valentines Day shopping!

Check out Think Geek at

* Expiration date noted is 36 months from date Geek Points were accrued. Geek Points shall be subject to expiration after thirteen (13) consecutive months without purchases on your ThinkGeek account or at thirty-six (36) months after the date Geek Points were accrued, whichever comes first.


  1. Hey Michael,

    My name is Rob and I'm the Customer Service Supervisor here at ThinkGeek. We're sorry to hear about the issue you're having with your GeekPoints. We're working on getting an automated process in place to warn folks about points that are close to expiration. We understand the frustration it can cause to log into your account and see all those hard earned points disappear. If you'd like to contact me with your personal info, I'd be happy to get restore your GeekPoints.

    My email address is Rob at

    If there is anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Rob P

  2. See revised posting . . . thanks for fixing things for me.
