Monday, October 28, 2013

Father to Son

A link unbroken
Father to son
A love unspoken
Father to son

Sidney to Ray
Ray to Michael
Michael to Mathew
Father to son

Soul Insights now on sale as paperback at

Soul Insights is now available in paperback for $12.95 at (currently on sale for $12.30 and eligible for Amazon Prime)

Soul Insights is also available as a Kindle book for $6.95 • Get your free Kindle Reader App

105 people took advantage of my free Kindle copy promotion.

Visit my author page on amazon at  and goodreads at

I would appreciate reviews on and

Wind Carrying a Memory

The sound of the wind, blowing through bare trees
Takes me back to Gilmanton.
I see the memory now, as an observer:
A small wooden table in Nana's garage,
Painted white and pastels, handcrafted by Grampy.

We sit, two small children, in tall chairs, feet swinging.
My sister, Thia, across the table,
Bowl-cut blond hair and happy concentration,
Coloring with crayons on large sheets of paper.

Looking out through the open door
Down the driveway to the thick forest across the street
The wind deeply sighing through the pines
Frightened by small-child thoughts
Of what lies hidden in the wilderness.

Safety just a few steps away
Through a homemade screen door with its long, squeaking spring
Don't let it slam shut as you enter the narrow hallway
Filled with the smell of fried doughnuts and baking beans,
Spices and baking and clean.
The smells of love,
The smell of Nana.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Soul Insights now available as Paperback

My new book, Soul Insights, is now available in paperback for $12.95 at CreateSpace and will soon be available as paperback on (it takes up to 5 days to list).

Soul Insights is also available as a Kindle book for $6.95 at

105 people took advantage of my free Kindle copy promotion.

Visit my author page on amazon at  and goodreads at

I would appreciate reviews on and

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Soul Insights free for Five Days

My new book, "Soul Insights: Poems for Contemplative Meditation for Christians Bridging the New Age" will be available for the Kindle FREE for five days starting Friday Oct 18, after which it will be available for $6.95. Visit

Amazon Prime members can borrow the book NOW for FREE.

FYI, you can get the Kindle reader app FREE for your iPhone, iPad, Android device, PC, MAC, or Blackberry at

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Soul Insights now available for Kindle

My new book, "Soul Insights: Poems for Contemplative Meditation" is now available for Kindle at

What if 95% of your life was spiritual and 5% daily existence, instead of the other way around, as you live it now? It is a choice that takes as much diligence as any other life choice. The reward is peace, comfort, oneness with the Spirit. This book provides contemplative poetry for meditation and devotion, transcribed messages from the Holy Spirit.