I look back now at"Choices, me laddy boy,
dark vacuum passed
warped time poor spent as
choices," he said.
Then he turned and he spit
and he scratched at his head.
"It's all about choices, now,
each bloody morn.
Do ye face them wiv grace, boy?
Do ye rend them with scorn?'
"Choose wisely, me laddy,
choose wisely," he said.
"cause it's tumble or travel
when ye first roll from bed."
"And nowest ye know whot means
them when they say,
'Aye, be making the best now
of each dawning day. '"
A little Pirate Code:
Damnable near thee Inn
Me Bandanna nether lie
Nene hen diner tambala
He be enter Mandala Inn
Linen be Eden Amaranth
Maharani been lend net
Anathema been rend nil
Nee hint darn amenable